Why It Might Be Time To Consider Hiring a Website Designer
I'm fired up about this post today, friends! I love talking about website design and lately I've found the extra drive to want to TALK about why it might be time to hire a website designer because I think this topic isn't discussed enough. At least not in the photography community. If it is, please tell me because I think I've missed it! I've been inspired to talk about why it might be time to hire a website designer because I have been on SO many websites lately that have left me confused and frustrated with the overall experience. I've also had some late night fire side chats with friends and the topic of web design has come up more than once about how important your "web space" is to the world and potential clients. There are so many missed opportunities because of a bad website, I do believe that. So today I want to talk about why it really might be the right time to hire out and how to go about that whole process. It's scary, I know. And honestly, they set up templates now so that the user CAN create their own, but often times that just isn't enough to create a WOW factor for your website visitors. So let's get this party started!
As any business owner, you know and understand the importance of standing out and looking great online. We all KNOW this, but there may be certain blocks holding you back from achieving the success you are after as a creative business owner. If you're in a space where you feel like you are having second thoughts or concerns about your current look, strategy, and overall branding, it's probably the right time to start thinking about hiring a professional.
1. You lack consistency with your brand.
Hello, been there! Done that! Don't make the same mistakes I did when starting out as a creative entrepreneur. I was all over the place, constantly changing my logo and elements that I thought made my brand strong. When you are all over the place with trying different color combos, fonts, and other elements - it will make you look anything BUT professional. That's just the truth. I hit a point with my own business that I had to ask myself, "Emma, if you bring on a team member or other people to help, do you even have a branding system in place that is flexible enough to expand and grow alongside your company? Does your current site properly represent Emma Rose Company even with growth?" Once I started thinking more long term about my brand and business, I was able to see clearly that I needed a little help with my logo. I hired a logo designer to finally bring my beautiful name to life. This was step one.
2. You just need an outside perspective.
I just touched on this above, but for me personally I needed someone other than ME to look in on my current brand, so I hired out. I felt 150% competent to bring my website to life through my own design process, but my brand was lacking. There is so much more to a strong brand than a pretty logo. My logo was struggling so I found someone to help me bring it to life. From this point forward, I was able to really pull in all the other elements to build a strong and lasting brand.
3. You are lacking confidence to do it yourself.
You keep trying and trying. You keep making those little changes on your site, but you aren't getting the feedback or inquiries to go along with the updates. You're spinning your wheels trying to figure out why your business just isn't growing.
4. You don't fully understand how powerful a blog, website, and SEO can be for your business.
You might be in a place where you KNOW that you need a killer website, but maybe you don't fully understand WHY. When you have a beautiful website that is not only "on brand", but is also set up and equipped to help you boost SEO and getting found by potential clients, things really start happening! When you hire a website designer, you should find someone who actually helps you understand all these "things" that make a website so powerful for your online business. When I work with my clients, I walk them through how to utilize their new site for SEO and getting found on Google.
Once you hire a website designer to help you with your business, they should help you realize your own vision for your business. You will start to see the capabilities of your business with a more specific focus. You will start to reach new clients with more purpose and clarity.
5. You're simply tired of trying to do everything on your own.
Can I get an amen on this point? As creative business owners, we do wear all the hats but sometimes it is okay to admit that you need some outside help. As creatives I think we get in our own head that because we are creatives, we should be able to do certain tasks on our own. I think it's time to get that mentality out of our heads. As my business has grown, I've learned that it's okay to admit that I'm not good at certain areas of my own business. I've actually found that I've grown from discovering these things along the way.
Perhaps when you've sat down to make some changes to your brand and website, you had the best of intentions but it NEVER seems to look as good as you had it planned out in your head. When you hire a website designer you are allowing yourself to focus on the areas of your business in which you thrive. Hiring a designer means that you are simply freeing up more time to do the things you are really good at.
I'm Emma Rose, the photographer and website designer here at Emma Rose Company. My journey has taken me on several different paths which have all ultimately helped me discover my true passions. I believe in telling meaningful stories through my photography.
I also believe that as a creative entrepreneur, you should have an online space that is a reflection of YOU. You should love your brand, and absolutely love your website. When you work with me I will not only design a beautiful and custom website for you, but I will teach you HOW to use your website and how to maintain it for years to come.
Ps. Don’t forget to grab a a free copy of “Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Designer.”

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