The One Who Made Me Pick Up a Camera
There has been this back and forth with myself on whether or not I will use my blog as a place to share personal pictures. I share personal "stuff" over on my business blog, but I haven't ever posted my own personal work with my photography. And let's be honest, it's almost always pictures of my little girl, Riley. She turned two in February and is quite honestly the only reason I picked up a camera in the first place. I think it's important to check in every single day on your "why" as a business owner and Riley is mine. She was the reason I didn't go back to my job in accounting and the reason I went all in with chasing this big dream of working for myself. She's the one who gets me out of bed every day eager and excited for what's ahead.
I find whenever I'm in a creative rut or needing to hit that reset button with my work, she's my outlet. I love to take her out to our ranch, walk around and rekindle my love with my camera. I'd be lying to you if I said I didn't go through woes as a photographer and creative funks. Riley is my kick in the pants every single time to get the camera out and find that spark again! I first picked up a camera because I wanted better pictures of her and not just 500+ pictures on my iPhone. Don't get me wrong, iPhone's actually do take pretty awesome photos but nothing compares to a full frame DSLR or roll of film on my medium format film camera.
I had not taken pictures in awhile recently because our weather has been SO TERRIBLE. So. much. rain. I'm tired of the rain. Winter here seems to drag on and on and on. We are all ready for a little more sunshine in our lives. I'm even going blonde(er) at the hair dresser tomorrow because I need that extra pop of color right now! Anyway, the other day the sun was out when I went to pick up Riley from her Great Grandparent's house (she spends every Tuesday with them!) I grabbed a dress on my way out of the house and SO glad I did because A. She'd never worn it before and B. It was cuter on than I imagined. Win win! Anyway, I've been taking a film course and it's helping me to look at light differently.
I'm learning to slow down, really soak in my surroundings and figure out a game plan. I'm learning to TRUST myself and run with a good thing. I used to feel like I had to go to a bunch of different "spots" for a session but the truth is now, if I find a perfect spot I stay there for majority of the time and then if we do move, I'm 100% confident I've gotten everything I need so the next spot is an extra bonus and place for me to be even more creative because the pressure is off to get all the "must haves". This has changed sessions for me. The pictures below aren't a "session", these are just Riley playing and me being a paparazzi following her around capturing precious little moments. I have learned in the past two years to not bring my camera to everything. When I first got started I felt like I had to have my camera around my neck at all times. It's refreshing now to be a little more selective on when I bring it along!
Anyway, here is my sweetness playing on our ranch. For the fist time ever she is into my camera and smiling for me. I've waited a long time for this and I don't know if it will last but I'm loving it! I hope someday she falls in love with photography, too. If not, that's alright... but it would be pretty special to travel the world together someday taking photographs. A mama can dream, right?