Three Things to Focus on When Starting a Creative Business
If you're reading this post, you must be a DREAMER like me! I can't tell you how incredible my own journey into entrepreneurship has transformed my life into something truly special. When all of this started, I had no idea what I was doing but all I knew is that I was PASSIONATE and determined to make working for myself my own reality. It's my goal that this post helps you if you are hoping to start your own creative business because you can definitely do it! There's no perfect time to start, that's for sure. Maybe you are like me if you are tired of the 9-5 and looking for a way to spend more time with your family. My driving force was the birth of my daughter and knowing that I couldn't go back to my job at the accounting firm. I was going to find a way, any way, to be home with her. I want you to succeed, in whatever that looks like for you.
So I'm going to jump into a few things to help you start that creative business you've always dreamed about starting!
Getting to the heart of it:
1. Find your passion and purpose.
This definitely sounds easier said than done. I can't tell you how many ideas floated through my head on what I could do to be a "creative entrepreneur". I don't want you to make the same mistakes I did when starting out because trust me, you will save yourself a LOT of time and a LOT of money. I had BIG ideas and even bigger dreams when I decided not to go back to work. Before really finding my true passions and purpose, I dove in head first to the first thing that popped in my head on what I could do to make a living from home. I was making anything and everything from baby headbands and onesies to coffee filter flowers. I was all over the place, but I had heart and I had hustle. The orders were coming in but I quickly realized that was not what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. And honestly, fluffing all those coffee filters really made my hands hurt. A lot.
Passion is instilled in all of us... it's simply a matter of being able and willing to actually LOOK. Deep down there somewhere we know where our passions lie, but that doesn't mean it's easy to discover. Sometimes it clicks right away and sometimes (like my story), takes a little more time. What is your heart telling you to do? If you are able to start fueling your passion in the way it was intended to be used, you will begin to feel what I like to call purpose. When I finally picked up that camera I knew I'd found not only my passion, but my purpose in this life. It became very clear immediately that what I was doing mattered and would not only make a difference in my own life, but in the lives of anyone who ever finds their way in front of my camera.
When finding my passion and purpose clicked: I've always loved photography but never knew anything about it. I remember visiting a family friend over the summer and she had a DSLR and let me play with it for the whole time I was there which was I believe two weeks. I can't remember exactly. Anyway, I can't remember all the details but I can remember her showing and teaching me how ISO, aperture and shutter speed work together to create a beautiful photograph. I loved it. That camera didn't leave my hand once. Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is that sometimes those passions are right in front of us but we just have to DIG to find them and live them.
2. make a plan and take yourself seriously.
The biggest mistake I made from the get go was not really having a plan laid out on HOW I was going to chase my big dreams. HOW are you going to get yourself to a position to leave your current job (if that's part of your plan)? HOW are you going to learn how to be a photographer? Whatever you are trying to do, making an action plan is one of the smartest things you can do for chasing that passion. I have learned something important in business which is that if I don't take myself seriously, others won't either.
Are you selling something physical or offering a service? This is a big piece of the puzzle in figuring out how and where you will be putting yourself out there to the world…
3. Make marketing a priority.
I can't stress the importance of marketing enough! This is something I’ve had to teach myself from the very beginning and I have NOT always been very good at it. I can say that the BEST thing I ever did for myself and my business was to set up systems that work for what I do. Setting up systems and only focusing on 2 social media platforms has made marketing a ton of fun for me as a creative and I am passionate about sharing all my tips and tricks with others! My primary focuses are with Pinterest and Instagram. Pinterest goes hand-in-hand with my blog and Instagram continues to be a driving force for my brand and business when it comes to not only booking new clients, but making amazing connections.
If you’d like a little more, I have a full list of resources HERE that will help you get started with your own business!

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