Pumpkin Patchin' with Riley
Once again as I sat down to share these images, I realized that I do NOT share enough of the photos I do take when I’m out adventuring with my little family. While Shaun was missing from this adventure (hunting down some deer for our freezer), I took Riley up to the pumpkin patch the other day and decided to put my tripod and camera in the car and I’m SO glad I did! If you don’t know where we live, it’s in Southwest Washington. Aka… really wet. We’re about 2.5 hours south of Seattle and 2.5 hours from Portland, sitting right on Highway 101. I love our quiet little coastal community and especially love when the sun is shining! As I write this post it’s misty raining and fog covered outside. Moving from Eastern Washington, one of the biggest adjustments for me living here as for sure been the crazy weather. I’m not saying it doesn’t get wet in Seattle because it does… but they don’t experience the kind of wet we do!
Anyway, one of my 2019 goals is to blog more of my personal work with my sweet family.
Slowly but surely I’m teaching my man how to use my camera and he’s really started to show an interest in learning how manual mode works, and I love that! I get goosebumps thinking about Shaun out on a wedding day with me, helping. He doesn’t think that will ever happen but just you wait… I have a feeling, haha!
I’m so happy I grabbed the camera and tripod for our little pumpkin patch adventure. I could have taken way more photos but opted to snap a few and then be as present as possible with my little one running around the farm. We drove up to Chapman Farms in Montesano, Washington and wow, it was warm and beautiful! You are going to see in the photos how much of a HAM my daughter is right now in front of the camera. She totally works it and listens to all my instructions if I am trying to get her to do something specific. It’s quite hysterical. “Alright love, walk away from me and then look back over your shoulder.” And she NAILS IT, every time. We’ve been talking a lot lately about work and money and how we can’t just buy things all the time because you want them. I think she’s beginning to understand the concept of work and how mama works at her computer and with her camera to earn money and why Daddy is gone a lot because he’s working to make money for our family, too. As a mom, I try to keep it real with Riley and talk to her like she is an adult. Does she understand everything? No, probably not. However, I want the kind of relationship where I am honest with her. If I expect her to tell me the truth I believe that has to go both ways. Yes, I know, she’s only three BUT… it goes by quickly and before we know it she’ll be a teenager and I can only pray that she trusts me enough to be honest with me.
Phew, I got off on a tangent there! Enjoy these sweet pictures of our little adventure to the pumpkin patch! Happy fall ya’ll!

Palm Springs Family Session with Katie Mcgihon
Monika Hibbs Visits Rose Ranch For Family Pictures
Our family pictures with Lora Grady Photography | Spring 2018
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